Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To the perosn in the back of the room...yeah you

To the perosn in the back who lets life pass them by
To the perosn that's alive, but might as well die
You only live once, for how long who know's
But this message is one's that know how this story goes
You would have said something, but you were too shy
Was planning on dancing, but their was another guy
Do not let the experince of life pass you by
You don't want the last thoughts in your head to be "why didn't I"
You may never see these people again
You don't even know her and who cares about him
The world by no means is for the quiet and meek
For those who aren't heard when they are ready to speak
The world is conquered by those who deny
that they will be treated like an ordinary guy
Starting at this moment, say no more
No longer will you hold the wall on the dance floor
Nol longer will the girl of your dreams pass you by
No longer will you sit in the shower and cry
Alright, that last one was a little overboard
But are you going to be the flagman or the one holding the sword?
If you itch then scratch it,
See something you want then, grab it
Make your needs and wants getting done a habit
To sum it all up, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take
Jordan said that and he became great

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