Sunday, August 16, 2009


Am I a determined man or a detered man
Through the thick and thin of adversoty I say "I CAN!!!"
We were made to believe our parents would never see us achieve
A higher point in life or a higher degree
Keeping my eyes on the prize I crawl for every inch
The famous saying isnt Lifes a sinch
It's the exact opposite, Lifes a bitch
With distractions and pit-stops always around
Its a wonder how I keep my mind so soud

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Better with age...?

Im at the age where I find myself thinking about the future and hoping that my actions now are for the better. I am 20 years old and I continue to think about my future and I seem to be worried more about i now than I was 2 or 3 years ago. I still believe in my golas, but I worry about the future. Example, I was talking to my brother about sex and funny past experience and future things to check off the list, that's when it hit me. Sex aint what it used to be, as far as it being sacred. Everyone's doing it as much and as often as possible...not that im complaining (sex feels great lol), but what about when I get older? When I finally settle down and get married, I dont want to marry a hoe. What if she has home made movies? What if she's featured in a cum-shot? I laughed at the scenario with my brother, but damn that! I started thinking about the question seriously. Either I'm getting smarter or I'm just worrying about the future like most poeple.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Squeakin' on by

My shoes started squeaking the 2nd week I bought them. Unfortunately that was back in Cali. So I've been stuck with these running squeaking shoes for 3 months. Recently the squeaking has been getting louder and for some reason instead of getting embarassed i look at people like I got on J's or something.

When I put on me shoes Im ready to make moves
And ready to prove what all great under dogs proved
That despite my shoes and their annoying squeak
Im getting to where im going with pride and steadfast feet
I have an Ipod, u should get one too
So the next time I pass my squeak won't be botherin you
The confident look you see upon my face
was put their by the chirp of my shoe game
So when I walk by and see others with a "what is that stare"
I keep walking and bobbing my head cuz I dont care.
These here my shoes and they all I got
lol, I just wish I woulda knew before these damn things were bought

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Im going to make it. Today I started getting my life on track to except the fruits of my hard work. I'm going to make it damn the nay sayers and the doubters. I bet I do this, I have more determination than any man you're ever going to meet. Work out, Run, Do my homework, it's on me. Im me

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

3rd and 15

Its 3rd and 15 and coach says go for it all
"(Insert your name here)!(Insert name here)! come on man it's time for some football"
The previous play left you dazed and confused
Ray Lewis hit you...yeah your bruised
"EAGLE LEFT 91 SEAM" "EAGLE LEFT 91 SEAM," I call the play and break the huddle
You walk to the line and hear the Defense grumble
"All that talk and you got hit by Ray Ray?"
We need a first down and you want to make them pay
The ball is snapped and I drop back
The only thing running through my mind is don't get sacked
I know you'll catch it, all you need is a chance
Offense needs 15 for the sticks to advance
This play is desgined for the ball to be thrown to you
I feel the pocket collapsing and quickly get on the move
Flushed out of the pocket times are getting desperate
After moving around, finally you and your defender are seperate
I let it rip as I fall to the ground
Other than the sounds of flickering cameras the stadium makes not a sound
You see the ball coming and it should be an easy catch
But out of the corner of your eyes...Uh Oh Ray Ray's back!!!
A junction is coming, hero or coward
Do you catch the ball and feels 52's power
Or do you tuck and run, try again next year
You get paid millions of dollars for this moment right here
The moment the ball's brought in to your chest
Ray Ray's helmet connects with your neck
For the second straight play their you lay
A brusised and battered warrior of this age and day
They should be getting help, but the League's all business
Trying to figure out where you caught it and if you finished
As you try and get up and gather yourself
The ruling is a 1st down and here comes the help
The team doc. comes and asks if you're ok
Says you made a hell of a catch and tell's you to walk his way
For safety issues u sit out a play
I stall time by calling a run, the RB gets 4 the unconventional way
He runs and jumps, but he's anohter story
Lets get back to our road to glory
2:00 warning and no timeouts
Laves us in the whole and our fans with doubt
I get to the huddle and call a WR screen
They'll be expecting a long pass, you should have a lot of green
From the moment that I said "Hike"
Suggs was coming to turn out my lights
2nd and 13 the clock still ticking
Hurry up offense, watch out there blitzing
I call a hot route and lift my leg
Ray Ray and Suggs didn't get me, it ws Ed instead
Luckily, I managed to scrambeled for 2
3rd and 11, everybody and they mama knows it's was going to you
I get under the center and hike the ball
Your being double covered this is not good at all
The average play takes 5-7 seconds
I've used 3 realizing the coverage
Your on a streak and your back way deep
I feel the pocket collapse and move my feet
With a hope and a prayer I let'er fly'
Dirt, blood, and sweat on my fingers, but hope in my eye
You stay in stride and make a diving catch
The announcer says "Whoa! way for Gatlin to avoid the sack!"
Hurry up offense still in effect
Time is ticking, not much left
Me and the line run to the spot
I say hike, spike the ball, 30 seconds left
30 more yards, that's a second a yard
I call the huddle "Alright boys, we all knew this would be hard"
I call a draw and he breaks for 16
14 to paydirt, could the underdog beat the shoe-in team
After stopping the clock we're left with 10
"Alright this is it, we've got to get in"
I get the play and look your way
I smile and joke "We all gotta die someday"
I settle under the center and look towards the endzone
I hike the ball and stand alone
Time stands still I my senses increase
I can see sweat, smell must, and hear scampering feet
I take my drop back and plant my feet
Bounce two times and look for the TD
All is covered I might have to run
Out of nowhere Suggs is a comin'
I see him and I start to runnin'
On the run looking for my go to man
I see you in the corner waving your hand
It'll be tough with ed breaking on the ball
But I gather myself and go for it all
I meet Ray Ray for the second time today
All I can do is lay their and pray
You juggle the ball and Ed makes the tackle
The question is did you maintian possession when all of this happenned
The referee whitsles the ball incomplete
I rollover and sigh as I am helped to my feet
Out of nowhere, official's review
The America's on pause as he walks to the booth
On a knee I wait for the results
Did you catch the ball or did you choke
Words aren't exchanged as we wait for the decision
Im still a little woozy from my recent collision
Finally the ref comes back to the field
Turns on his speaker so we can all hear
"After reviewing the play the WR maintained possession"
"The ruling is a touchdown and ends the regulation"
We did it we won, we earned the trophy
But I'm tired and hurt, I'll cellebrate in the morning

To the perosn in the back of the room...yeah you

To the perosn in the back who lets life pass them by
To the perosn that's alive, but might as well die
You only live once, for how long who know's
But this message is one's that know how this story goes
You would have said something, but you were too shy
Was planning on dancing, but their was another guy
Do not let the experince of life pass you by
You don't want the last thoughts in your head to be "why didn't I"
You may never see these people again
You don't even know her and who cares about him
The world by no means is for the quiet and meek
For those who aren't heard when they are ready to speak
The world is conquered by those who deny
that they will be treated like an ordinary guy
Starting at this moment, say no more
No longer will you hold the wall on the dance floor
Nol longer will the girl of your dreams pass you by
No longer will you sit in the shower and cry
Alright, that last one was a little overboard
But are you going to be the flagman or the one holding the sword?
If you itch then scratch it,
See something you want then, grab it
Make your needs and wants getting done a habit
To sum it all up, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take
Jordan said that and he became great

Monday, February 16, 2009


This is a quicky
So don't be picky