Sunday, July 29, 2012

HollyWood Horror

Hey everyone there's a killer on the loose
Let's start a seach party and break-up into two's
That way if something happens to one person, the other can make it back
Or the killer is one of us and will just wait until we're seperated and kill someone, come back to us and lie about the attack
Oh Hollywood Horror films you're setup is all wrong
Why does the girl always figure out who the killer is when everyone in the house is gone
How come a strange sound to me sounds like an invitation to them
How come every one is dying and she's sleeping with him
Why did he think he could stand pound for pound
With the deranged killer who just crawled from out of the ground
And since when did stealth start to effect smell
All those bodies he's touched? Ain't no showers in hell
Why is she running up the stairs after passing the front door
A prequel, a sequel, part three and part four
How many times can you get revenge
Shoot him in the head, chop off his limbs, then it'll be the end
Oh Hollywood horrors you've got it all wrong
These horror films last way too long
After one questionably missing body I'm not sticking around
Facebook or Twitter me when they've been found
If It's not a retarded man who's mad he didn't fit in
Should've read the pamphlet it said be sure your child can swim
Then it's a crispified pervert who's mad he got caught
Died and decided to haunt other people's thoughts
What type of mad man attacks a person's sleep
Now I'm irritable at work because I haven't slept a wink
Why are they spending the night in that creepy old house
It's a wonder why none of them made it out
Please stumble upon a body and scream as loud as you can
To alert the killer that he must kill again
And please rinse your hair for the umpteenth time
Walk into the bedroom and ignore all the tell tell signs
Whatever happened to running around a car until the other person gave up
What is this "go on without me, my foot is stuck"
Oh Hollywood horrors what have you done
Why the hell did Chucky have a wife and confused son
How come they don't know that if they block one way that the killer will double back
How come they don't sprint around the corner wait and attack
Oh Hollywood horrors you've lost your sting
And another thing, o wait I love this scene

Saturday, July 21, 2012

What I didn't know

I didn't know that life got harder as I grew
I didn't know adults told the truth about wishing they knew what they now knew
I didn't know that just homework wasn't so bad
I didn't know why hugging my mom made her so glad
I didnt know why it didn't work out between my mom and dad
I didn't know that one-sided love wasn't enough
I didn't know that I didn't know.
..I didn't know much
I now know that life is hard if you dont learn from your mistakes
I now know that the wisdom I have now would make my past a piece of cake
I now know that homework can and shall be done
I now know how it feels to embrace my son
I now know my father cheated on my mother
I now know that love can't be one sided, you need the love of the other
...I now know that I dont know much

Friday, July 20, 2012

I wanted

I wanted to be a safe rollercoaster, that was fun and made you happy at the end of the ride
Nothing to out of the ordinary with the occasional dip and slide
I wanted to pass with flying colors and surpass all others who had tried
I wanted you to bet the house on me, risk it all every time
I wanted to show you how perfect you were and how happy I am that your mine
How I loved your sexy, black, body and never overlooked your grind
I wanted to be your sword and shield, a good shield can protect you from incoming pain
I wanted to be a sword so sharp that I'd slice away the dark clouds and rain
I wanted you to let your guard down and let your shoulders relax
I wanted to you to know that no matter what, I've always got your back
But just as you were about to pick me up and fight against the world
I lost your trust and my hopes and dreams by being with another girl
Lets take back the words "being with" because it doesn't express the hurt
I wish I could take back my actions because it doesn't accurately show what our relationship is worth
To be foolish enough to put us at risk
And lose a woman who brought such joy and bliss
All for a moment of pure ignorance
Which I can't take away, but hope you'll dismiss....
I lied, there was no lack of knowledge and I was fully aware
But I refuse to admit to myself and you that at some point I didn't care
When I picture your face inside my mind
And refer back to all those times
That you were there for me
It makes this even more humbling
No I don't think men have a right to "get it out of there system"
I beleive we all give up that right when you tell someone your're with them
And I can't explain my mind, or why I caused you so much pain
And my apologies and time, for me, won't remove this stain
Our lives together will last forever and our love will carry on
But that doesn't mean you won't look back and see the stains not gone

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hot & Ready

I stare at her silhouette from behind
She looks over her shoulder & smiles, she know what’s on
my mind
I put my hands around her hips and get down on my knees
She bends over a little so I can get it with ease
Those lips, those lips trapped between those hips
I move in slow, her body gets tense
A few licks of the clit, she moans a little bit
Too shy initially to ride my face
But with every tongue movement, shyness loses its place
She grabs my hair and moves her waist
She’s come too far to let this feeling escape
Scream, don’t move, and live for the moment
Grip my head closer, feel good don’t it>?
I stand up, smack that ass, she’s glistening and sweaty
I throw her on the bed and take my pants off, now she’s hot
and ready

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A new type of Champ

Only the best ingredients will do for this type
Always contending with the chocolate-chip hype
Take a glass of milk and let the good times roll
Making me happy must be this cookies goal
Eating one is never enough
An accumulation of all the right stuff
Leave out the peanut-butter, fudge, and macadamia nuts

Raisins, raisins, rain on me
All the oatmeal I can eat
I could never label you a fatty food
Soothe my cravings and calm my mood
It's the best of the best, made for me
Newly crowned champ, Oatmeal Raisin Cookie

Thursday, February 2, 2012

1 for Black History

Judge my 'fro or lack there of
Assume I'm the crow instead of the dove
Immediately conclude my level of intellect...
Think I'm about money, clothes, drugs, and sex
As your child nods his head and listens to OUR sounds
Holds his hand hand steady as he gives me an empty pound
Imagines thug life as his pants sag down
Representing the streets of a suburban town
It's different for them, it's a phase, it'll pass
Pay no attention as long as he goes to class
But once you go black, you never go back
He got a taste of fantasy, now he's buying sacks
Sad, because reality is we don't all live like that
The people I know go to school
Not because it's cool, becuase we ain't no fools
The way I dress, to the way I act
Is because I'm positively BLACK!!!
No color more DOMINANT
No Culture more PROMINENT
And yet you judge me
Well think what you like, but don't you dare think you above me

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

_____L O V E_____

An emotion, a movement, a source of power
Spicy, bitter, sweet & sour
A reason to get up, same reason why some stay down
Depressed for weeks, Lost never to be found
The reason why after 50 years they're still together
Through trials and tribulations it only gets better
The reason why Jordan came back three times
How a struggling family sticks together and survives
The reason a man stranded makes it back to his wife alive
An exploited excuse to use what's between our thighs
Yes love is an emotion
More vast than an ocean
A truly undefuned source of something
Love it, Hate it All or Nothing...
All or Nothing